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award win

BRIEF: To inspire 20-year-olds​ to invest in their everyday health.

This campaign was a group project I created with two other colleagues. We have submitted the concept for the YCN Student Awards 2017 and managed to win a commendation. 

Strategic challenge: How to make the irrelevant relevant?


Simply Health has a successful history of over 140 years. Their average target audience is 55-65 years old and now they wish to attract younger Millennials. However, our research showed that the new target audience of 18 – 24 year olds were less inclined to sign up to a health care cash plan for the following reasons: they find health insurance boring, they do not see it as a necessary part of their everyday lives, and on top of that, they have limited disposable income. To change Millennials’ view on the health insurance category, we needed to make it attractive and relevant to them without alienating the existing customer base.


Our ultimate objective is to get more Millennials to sign up to the Simply Health cash plan. However, communications accompanying each step of the customer journey have different objectives: first, inspire younger Millennials to live a healthier lifestyle, to show the benefits of health insurance in an entertaining way, to change the perception of the health insurance category and increase the website traffic.

The big idea:


We have created Simple Steve - a real-life character who demonstrates to Millennials how they can live an epic lifestyle whilst Simply Health covers their health insurance.


Millennials find health insurance services boring and we realised that they need a role model who will encourage them to change this attitude. Also, Millennials are heavily influenced by their peers, so we needed this role model to be of the same demographic. Simple Steve will embody the attitude, behaviour and values of the average Millennial, which Simply Health is targeting. He lives for epic experiences but is not reckless about them, he is covered by Simply Health.


There were two insights, that came from our research, that helped us spark our idea. We confirmed our assumption that young people prefer to spend money on new experiences over material goods. The other valuable clue was that living a healthy and happy lifestyle is a new recognition of richness. Simple Steve’s epic adventures will be promoted on Facebook and YouTube. His personal life and daily routine on Instagram and Snapchat would be a way for Millennials to connect with him.


With the Simple Steve campaign, we want to convey the current ethos of Simply Health: ‘It's not just about better teeth, but it's giving you a reason to smile. It's not just sharper sight, it's helping you to see more.’


For Millennials, health insurance is not about the services they can get, it’s an important stepping stone towards living an epic lifestyle.

awareness campaign for health insurance

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